Wagyu embryos & Semen for sale


Improve your herd with Wagyu Genetics!  We offer registered fullblood wagyu embryos and semen that can be bought online.  The most economical way to start a wagyu herd is to stick wagyu embryos into your existing or locally sourced cows.   We offer embryos from the best Australian sires in the world such as Arubial Anticipated, Arubial United, and Michifuku F154.   We offer custom embryo flushes and programs, including sexed wagyu embryos - if interested in this please contact us.   We also offer recipient cattle (commercial) that are carrying 100% wagyu embryos, this is the next most economical way to start a fullblood wagyu herd, you can find information on our wagyu pregnancies on our cows for sale page.

We struggle to keep this part of the website up to date with our current inventory.   We have some exciting dams not shown in this section as well as some up-and-coming wagyu sires such as Sunnyside (PSKFQ0540), Olive Grove S033 (OGWFS033), Olive Grove R046 (OGWFR046), and Goldfinger (GMYF22T27).  Whether you want stout mamas, high marble, low birth weight, or need some high quality animals without United in the pedigree, we likely have a solution for you.

The best way to view our current embryo inventory and pricing is to send us an email.   

We have Wagyu semen for sale, options below.  Most straws are stored at Premier Reproductive Services in Weatherford TX.

Olive Grove Wagyu R046 Fullblood Japanese Black Bull
Olive Grove Wagyu R046 Bull's EBV Graph
Olive Grove Wagyu R046 Fullblood Japanese Black Bull
Olive Grove Wagyu R046 Bull's EBV Graph

Wagyu Semen For Sale - OGWFR046 - Olive Grove Wagyu R046

Wagyu Semen For Sale - SG53 Sexed Female
sg53 ebv chart, 100% wagyu semen for sale
Wagyu Semen For Sale - SG53 Sexed Female
sg53 ebv chart, 100% wagyu semen for sale

Wagyu Semen For Sale - SG53 Sexed Female

Wagyu Semen For Sale - SG53 Conventional
sg53 ebv chart, 100% wagyu semen for sale
Wagyu Semen For Sale - SG53 Conventional
sg53 ebv chart, 100% wagyu semen for sale

Wagyu Semen For Sale - SG53 Conventional

wagyu bull with ai background
Olive Grove Wagyu S033 EBV Chart, semen sold here
Olive Grove S033 Wagyu Bull, located in AU.
Olive Grove S033 semen
wagyu bull with ai background
Olive Grove Wagyu S033 EBV Chart, semen sold here
Olive Grove S033 Wagyu Bull, located in AU.
Olive Grove S033 semen

Wagyu Semen For Sale - OGWFS033 - FB99429 - Olive Grove Wagyu S033

Wagyu Semen For Sale - PB95176 - Conventional - 5U Bond - POLLED
wagyu bull side profile
Wagyu Semen For Sale - PB95176 - Conventional - 5U Bond - POLLED
wagyu bull side profile

Wagyu Semen For Sale - PB95176 - Conventional - 5U Bond - POLLED

Wagyu Semen For Sale - PB95176 - Sexed Female - 5U Bond - POLLED
wagyu bull side profile
Wagyu Semen For Sale - PB95176 - Sexed Female - 5U Bond - POLLED
wagyu bull side profile

Wagyu Semen For Sale - PB95176 - Sexed Female - 5U Bond - POLLED

Fullblood wagyu semen for sale online
Fullblood wagyu semen for sale online

Wagyu Semen For Sale - FB45043 [ADBFL0010] - Mayura L0010

wagyu bull with ai altered background
wagyu bull semen for sale bull standing in picture
wagyu bull with ai altered background
wagyu bull semen for sale bull standing in picture

Wagyu Semen For Sale - GTFFS0011 - Gateway G113 S0011

wagyu bull walking with ai altered background
Mr Universe Wagyu Bull EBV Chart.  Semen sold here.
mr universe wagyu bull with semen for sale
wagyu bull walking with ai altered background
Mr Universe Wagyu Bull EBV Chart.  Semen sold here.
mr universe wagyu bull with semen for sale

Wagyu Semen For Sale - M6RFR073H -FB60886 - Mr Universe

Fullblood wagyu bull with semen for sale online.  he is standing in spring grass as a yearling facing to viewer's right
Fullblood wagyu bull with semen for sale online.  he is standing in spring grass as a yearling facing to viewer's right

Wagyu Semen For Sale - WCRFS0017 - FB82424 - King Trent Bridge

wagyu bull standing in grass selling semen
wagyu bull standing in grass selling semen

Wagyu Semen For Sale - WCRFS0019 -FB70307 - Kurosawa Kisaki

Fullblood wagyu semen for sale online
Fullblood wagyu semen for sale online

Wagyu Semen For Sale - USAFB22028 - FB22028 - Bay Ito Macho 177

Mt. Fuji Semen
Mt. Fuji Semen

Wagyu Semen For Sale - FB104 [IMUFA0104] - Mt. Fuji (The Original!)

Wagyu Semen sold and shipped online from texas
Wagyu Semen sold and shipped online from texas

Wagyu Semen For Sale - FB70238 [WCRFS0015] - Sensei 154

PEDPA401 -PB401D - SS Mazda Jr
PEDPA401 -PB401D - SS Mazda Jr

Wagyu Semen For Sale - PEDPA401 -PB401D - SS Mazda Jr

Kikuyasu 400 Wagyu Photo, semen sold here
Kikuyasu 400 Wagyu Photo, semen sold here

Wagyu Semen For Sale - FB2100 [IMUFB2100] - Kikuyasu 400

wagyu bull in new mexico
wagyu bull in new mexico

Wagyu Semen For Sale - LMRFG1409Y - FB14628 - LMR Koichi 1409Y

shigefuku a really old wagyu bull picture
shigefuku a really old wagyu bull picture

Wagyu Semen For Sale - IMJFF0005 - FB6538 - Shigefuku J1822

NuWagyu is focused on selling high-end Wagyu breeding stock.  As you browse, you'll notice that we have our emphasis on Australian EBV data, US EPD data, SCD-AA and defect-free wagyu cattle.  The Wagyu breed while very small relative to other commercial breeds such as Angus, is highly sought after for their unique marbling abilities.  The heavy marbling of Wagyu is what drives the demand, and as such we have prioritized that trait within our herd.  This high marbling comes at a cost though, these animals are slower to grow which adds cost to the beef operation as well as breeding operations.  Generally, these animals aren't harvested until they reach 30 months of age and the females aren't bred until they reach two years of age.  Wagyu cattle have secondary pros and cons as well.   Their other big downside is, generally speaking, their mothering skills aren't the best, primarily driven by low milk supply to the calves.  With that, a creep feed routine is paramount with Wagyu calves.   Those are the main two downsides.  The other upsides are docility (toward humans more so than other cows), the ability to cover more cows as their semen quality is excellent, and finally low birth weight.   The low birth weight in some cases is the most sought-after trait, although this is tied to also receiving a premium for the calves over domestic bulls.  First time heifers can be problematic and using a low birth weight bull will greatly improve calving ease.   Prior to Wagyu, the Longhorn breed was a popular heifer bull choice due to low birth weights.  With Wagyu, you get that same benefit but you also receive a premium when selling the calves, it really is a win-win situation for commercial breeders.  In addition to selling cows and bulls, we also offer embryos.  Embryos are an economical way to start bringing Wagyu into your herd.  We can run custom flush programs as well, just send us a note and we can start the conversation.